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Pieces of Memory
will play in my mind,
as leaves would
in my hair.

     - Carrie Parker

The horizon labors with light to release the moon from the
womb of the mountains. The lunar body struggles slowly to free
itself as though it were a cell dividing. When it is freed, it
starts slowly into the night, floating to its' death at dawn.

                                                             - Wendy Laser

Remember when -
        I made you get
        stuck in the snow.
        I thought you
        would get mad
        ... but you didn't.

        I locked you out of
        your car and you got mad.
        I wanted to say,
        "I'm sorry,"
        ... but I didn't.

        You took out
        another girl.
        You wanted me
        to forgive you
        ... but I didn't.

        You went to war, and
        I wanted to tell you
        how much I loved you when
        you came back
        ... but you didn't.

                     - Marsha Mayfield

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                                                                      - Glenn Gardner


Through the many ages past
Resented, mocked or favored
Though hindrance and a helpmate
There is still much to be learned and savored.

Renovated, rearranged and dropped
It changes with the times
Until the future becomes the past
Tradition will ring the chimes.

                                 -Anne Hendricksen


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